Think Before You Act
There’s much to be said about a head of state visiting a first-world country in the headlines of every newspaper/television channel. However, pretty much nothing remains said about the millions left in the country for whom basic amenities are still such a rarity that they couldn’t care less if a leading software company has decided to provide laptops for youth in their village. Chances are they’d rather sell these laptops for a month’s worth of rations or to pay off outstanding debts instead. Here’s the thing – while it’s easy to promote your social cause by talking about the numerous computers you are providing a certain village, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that village actually needed consistent electricity to use those computers in the first place. Figuring out what you want to donate is easy enough, but finding the people who actually need it takes a little more. Organizing a ‘run for life’ walkathon sounds fantastic – but really who...