It Doesn't Take a Village

The whole contention of whether “it takes a village” to raise a child is still up in the air with no clear insight as to whether it does or not. What is not up for discussion, however, is that it absolutely does ‘not’ take a village to help other children smile. A small act of kindness towards an unknown child in distress can go a long way in the way this child feels towards other humans later. Take for instance the little boy you see sitting outside a packed restaurant waiting for his lottery-ticket seller father to finish his day. Here’s a child who’s probably hungrier than ever, what with the fantastic aromas drifting out the hotel’s kitchen window. Share the wonderful feeling with your 6-year-old son – teach him what it means to buy a packet of food and hand it over to that child sitting outside waiting. The smile on that child’s face will give your son more knowledge and satisfaction than 15 years of schooling ever could. It takes jus...