And Then There Were Some..

Calling out for angels is a simple enough option, getting the angels who actually come is a whole different story.

Project Smile was well on its way when we suddenly found ourselves short-funded.  Call it what you want, but all of a sudden we had sacks of cement and laborers we needed to pay for, paint we couldn’t afford.  Angels come in different forms and to those humans on earth who actually made this happen – Thank You!

Thank you for giving our little children safe rooms to sit in, for painting these walls a bright cheerful color, for fixing tube-lights and fans, for offers of water filters, for giving us funds to build walls and cordon off cooking areas (where cooking LPG cylinders and gas pipes were out in the open on rickety three-legged tables) where little children run around and play.  Thank you for the joy on all those happy faces of this little unknown colony filled with migrant laborers, who have come to recognize us, and start boiling water for tea as soon as they see our vehicle turn the corner.  Thank you for a contractor who has (finally) come to believe we actually pay him for his work and finishes off with a cheerful ‘see you next month on your next project!’  Thank You for the smiles on these little children as they see their newly renovated playschool/room and the box of books and toys that is ready for them to use.


The world could do with more people like you.  Angels who goad us on to complete what we started.  Angels who tell us not to give up, when it seems like we’re too exhausted to go another day.  Angels who say “get the right authorization” and remind us of the tiny minute details that could go wrong and need to stay right.  Angels who still call every day with new ideas, even when we feel like we’re done.  Angels who donate 60 Litres of paint to unknown areas.  Angels without faces who have spent so much time and effort on a cause they have yet to physically see.  Angels who arrive at our doorstep when you least expect it.  Thank you for helping us believe in humanity again, for giving us hope that tomorrow’s going to be better than today, for giving us the faith that we can carry on and we’re not going to drown under our workload within the month.  A serious heartfelt, THANK YOU.  You’ve spread more smiles!


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