Mosquito Proofing and You

The rains are lovely with everything turning lovely shades of green. Then again, there's much more to the greenery around. Mosquitoes are now the main reason doors and windows remain unopened throughout the day in spite of the intense humidity after.
Every mosquito bite can be much more lethal than you know. Having visited enough play schools in Kochi with children having just recovered from mosquito-related ailments, mosquito proofing is now one of our key projects aimed at making children's time in playschools safer. 

Mosquito nets for doors and windows at an unaided play school in Chambakkara, Kochi, have made all the difference.

#kochi #kerala #dengue #mosquito #prevention #donations #indiangos#kochin #netting #mosquitoes #preventionisbetterthancure#preventioniskey #mosquitonet


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