It's a Girl Thing

It's easy to sit back and say nothing, pretend these things don't happen, pretend it's normal that your little girl cannot go cycling out to the park on her own today. It's certainly easier to stop reading those articles and go about your day like nothing's going to change.
Make a change today. Stop every time you see someone treating a girl wrong, whether at home or outdoors. Stop every time you think something's not right. Stop to help if you see a girl in trouble.
Let's all get together to make sure every little girl in India can stand out in the sunshine on her own without an adult supervising her. Let's get together to make sure our girls are safe, Let's teach our boys to be gentlemen, to treat girls better.
It's a girl thing. Here's to safeguarding our future - Empowering our girls to stay safe, expressive and strong.
#KeepOurGirlsSafe #BeingHuman
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